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About Us – Secret Destinations – Extra-ordinary Adventures for Bikers, Hikers and Divers

Adriaan Hefer

Secret Destinations was founded in 2011 by Adriaan Hefer. Adriaan is an absolute travel and adventure freak, always busy planning the next “big mission”. At the age of two years old he went to Mozambique for the first time with the family for the Christmas holiday in Xai-Xai, and ever since then he has been traversing the planet looking for adventure and unexplored secret destinations. He is an avid mountain biker, road biker, mountain climber, scuba diver, alpine snow skier, white water rafter and horse rider, not to mention lover of gourmet food and a good bottle of wine.

Adriaan has travelled to over 50 countries on all continents seeking out the ultimate adventure, and trying to get close to the cultural roots of that country. Some of his favourite destinations have included Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, Nepal, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Indonesia, Borneo, Turkey, Spain, Italy and of course his beloved Africa including Morocco, Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Mauritius, Madagascar, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho, Namibia and South Africa.

Adriaan is a longstanding member of the Mountain Club of South Africa and has completed a Mountain Guiding training course. He has completed eight Cape Argus bike races and many, many Mountain Bike Races. Adriaan has climbed to the top of El Misti (5882m) volcano in Peru, walked the Inca trail via Salkanty Pass, climbed Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya, climbed Mont Blanc, and done various trails and mountains in the Himalayas including the Annapurna circuit. Adriaan has climbed and mountain biked every conceivable mountain trail in the Western Cape and continues to enjoy every minute spent outdoors in nature. Adriaan his scuba dived all over the planet but still rates Honduras, Madagascar and Lombok as he best ever.

Adriaan has turned his passion into a business and is actively involved in the planning and management of all Secret Destination trips, and in many cases taking the role of chief guide and host.

Juma Lukondya – Zanzibar Guide

Juma was born in Zanzibar and has lived there his whole life. He is a member of the Tanzanian Cycling Team and spends 3 months of the year competing in professional mountain bike races in Europe. The rest of the year Juma will be found cycling on every conceivable path and road across Zanzibar, with the result that he knows many secret routes including loads of single track.

Juma will be there to greet you on arrival on Zanzibar and will be your guide for the duration of your visit to the island. He is also able to organise bicycles locally if you require.








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